Today I went to see the cardiologist, finally! For the last two weeks my heart rate has been running higher than normal. I have a blood pressure monitor at home so I can keep an eye on my husbands blood pressure. I have been checking mine too lately. My BP has been good, but my heart rate is running around 99 bpm. This is when I'm resting so I wanted to make sure I asked the doctor about that today. Also, I have been having shortness of breath when I lay down at night.
I got into the doctors office this morning and had an EKG first thing. The doctor came in and told me that everything looks and sounds fine. I asked him about the increased heart rate. He said that was normal with pregnancy, it's just from my heart working harder pumping more blood. He also believes that the shortness of breath is just from pressure on my diaphragm when I lay down. He suggested changing positions to relieve the pressure.
I have to go next week to have an Echo done. The main concern with someone with mitral valve prolapse is increased regurgitation. He explained to me that when you are pregnant your heart enlarges. Due to this and the increased flow he is afraid that the valve may not keep the blood from flowing back into my heart. The Echo will show if there is anything structurally to worry about, especially for the labor and delivery. This is something else that is precautionary, but better to be safe than sorry!
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