Since my last post I thought I would share some wisdom to those who are not married. I am by no means an expert on marriage. But, I am a little older the big 3-0 and have some things I have learned over the years. There are 3 things you should always discuss before you get married. In order by importance: Religion, Children, and Finances.
I view religion as the most important topic you should talk about before you get married. I have seen couples that never brought this up. For instance, a couple were one is Atheist and the other Christian. I honestly don't see how this type of relationship could work. Especially, if you plan to some day have children. Which I will discuss next. I recently heard of a couple that hadn't talked about this before marriage. Now, 5 months later they talk about children. Then discover one is Atheist and the other Christian. So the Christian, the wife, realizes she doesn't want to have children with her husband. Why would you not talk about this before hand? It's not fair to either party and should have been discussed before. Now they are getting divorced.
Secondly, I think you should always talk about children. Many people today don't want to have kids, or if they do it's more when they are mid-thirties. We are so involved with our careers today that many women try to hold off on having a family. Not only should you talk about whether you want children, but how many is important too. Some want a huge family and others only one or two.
Lastly, finances are very important to discuss before saying "I do". I'm so surprised about how so many people forget about this one. But, if you think about it most divorces are because of this reason alone. If you have a significant other that is a big spender and the other is very conservative with their money, it's asking for trouble. You need to find someone that is compatible with you in this since. It will make your life so much easier in the long run.
You can take my advice if you wish, or not. This is not only from my experiences, but also from others that have given it to me over the years.
Great post! It is kind of mind boggling to me that people don't work this stuff out before marriage.