I understand that video games are really popular with the younger generations, but should you divorce over them?! It was recently brought to my attention of a young military couple with this situation. The wife didn't approve of how many hours her husband was playing everyday. It had gotten to the point of interfering with their relationship. The wife spoke with her husband about it, but of course he viewed it as nagging instead of listening to her. They have only been married for 5 months, so you would think they would be in the honeymoon phase still. Turns out the husband decided he didn't want to deal with this and now they are divorcing!
This is so ridiculous! What happen to people taking their wedding vows seriously! People get married and then as soon as it becomes an inconvenience they get divorced. Marriage is work and compromising on both parts. It seems like our society doesn't care that they took a vow before God. What happen to for better or worse? To me this just blew my mind, divorcing over video games, really!?!
I completely agree, but you would be surprised at what people divorce over nowadays....it's so sad.