Saturday, December 19, 2015


When I first decided that I wanted to start my daughter on a homeschool curriculum she was 2 years old.  I had no idea where to start and it was so overwhelming to look at things online.  When she turned 2.5 it seemed that many of her friends were starting preschool.  I knew that I need to make up my mind on what I wanted to do with her.  We had already been working on the basics; colors, ABC's, numbers and shapes.  But, I was needing something more structured.  I wanted to share with you a wonderful website that I have found with everything that you need and best of all it's FREE!  At this stage of her education I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on her curriculum.  I know that eventually I will have to, but not at the moment.  Before I tell you the website I just want to tell you that I get no payment for posting this and promoting their website.  I just think it's just a great resource and people need to know about it.  The website is called  The curriculum can be started as early as 3 years old.  It's called "Getting Ready 1".  Everything you need is laid out and ready to print.  I wish I would have had someone to tell me about it when I was looking.  I hope that this post helps you as you start your homeschooling journey.  :)

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