Friday, November 15, 2013

Using cloth diapers

We all know that having a baby is expensive!  I was trying to find ways to help cut cost and be a little greener in the process.  I had a friend who had used cloth diapers with her son and she really liked them.  I spoke to her about them and decided to try them out.  Aubree was 6 months old when I took the plunge into the cloth diapering world.  I must say it was the best decision for our family.  It is not like your mother's version of cloth diapers.  I had many people tell me that it was a horrible decision and I wouldn't like it once I started using them.  I'm so glad that I didn't listen and tried them out for myself.  Aubree was starting to get diaper rash often because she had started solid foods.  There wasn't anything that I could do to help prevent it, until I changed her over to cloth diapers.  It instantly went away, it was wonderful!!  For this reason alone was a great reason to change over from disposables.  I just wanted to throw this out there.  I know there are so many mom's out there that would like to know more about them, or even try them, but are just to scared of the unknown.  I just have three words to say:  I heart cloth!  :)

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