Monday, December 14, 2015


Being a stay at home mom is a wonderful experience.  Before having children I would have never imagined staying at home.  I had always had a plan to be out in the world working and earning a living to help support my family financially.  I went to college and completed my master's degree.  When I got married that all changed.  I married a man in the military and a stay at home wife is normal.  Mainly because people don't want to hire someone that isn't going to be around for long.  That is why you see so many military wives that work from home.  After having my daughter I couldn't have seen myself going back to work.  Luckily we were blessed enough that I am able to stay at home with our daughter.  You do have mainstream society telling you that if you aren't in the workforce that you aren't contributing and at first this was hard for me.  But, over time I realized that I have the most important job in the world!  Raising my daughter to be a loving, kind, generous, courteous little lady was the most important job I would ever have in my life!  Why does our world feel the need to make a women feel that she isn't important unless she is contributing financially.  I understand that if you have to work to pay your bills then that's okay.  But, if you are like me and can stay home if you wish then that's okay too.  :)

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