Tuesday, September 25, 2012

High Risk Doctor: Update 31 weeks

This is my last visit with the high risk doctor.  I was so excited because we were able to get another ultrasound of the baby!  At first the doctor was concerned since I have been having braxton hicks contractions.  I had a vaginal ultrasound first to make sure I wasn't going into labor early.  This was the main concern and the reason for seeing this doctor in the first place.  Luckily everything was just fine and I have not been dilating or thinning out.  They think I should be able to carry Aubree full term and there is no need to see them anymore.  I was so happy that everything is going good, but bummed at the same time because I like getting the ultrasounds.  At this visit I am 31 weeks.  Aubree is weighing an astonishing 4lbs and is 17 inches long!!  They are predicting her to be around 8.5lbs if she goes full term.  All I could think about when I heard that was "that's a big baby!" LOL

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